Thursday, April 7, 2011

"I hope you find what you're looking for"

I was going to wait to post another entry til tonight but I just can't. I'm too excited to be here!!! Finally in Hawaii after months of waiting.

The trip here was long and tiring of course but what journey isn't. During my first flight from Newark, NJ to Seattle, WA I sat next to a 60-something man and next to him was a girl around my age. We made small talk here and there because when you're sitting so close to someone for 5-6 hours, you just have to make small talk. I was dozing off near the end of the journey when the man and the..I guess I should say young lady started talking about transformation. I sat quietly next to them and listened. The lady, I believe her name was Lindsey had just turned 25 on Apr 5th (the day before my birthday) and she was talking about how she could feel a transformation occurring within from adolescence to adulthood. She spoke about her dreams and how she believes that at times they are more meaningful than what they seem. She believes that when she sees an animal it may be her spirit guide trying to show her the way. She had attemped meditation in order to find clarity and understanding. The man, whose name I don't recall at all so we shall call him Jack,, had gone through a similar journey of exploration of spirituality. He had recommended a psychic/energy consultant from Washington for her to speak with. That person had helped him. After some time I told them about why I was going to Hawaii and how I was also exploring/growing/transforming. After speaking with them I realized that everyone is looking for something. Looking for answers. Looking for understanding. Looking for guidance. They were both very nice and Lindsey actually had a friend in Hawaii who is a massage therapist and "really cool". She gave me her phone number. Jack had lived in Hawaii when he was a child and reminisced about eating mangos and other fruit straight from the trees. We parted ways and wished eachother well.

Continental Flight going over Canada. Good-bye snow!!

I waited 5 hours for my next flight to Honolulu. Nothing eventful happened. Nothing much happened on the plane to Honolulu either. Sat next to a Philipino man who didn't speak English and next to him was another older gentleman who had no interest in starting a conversation. I finally exited the plane at 8:40pm Hawaiian time (2:40am EST). After 17.5 hours in transit I was finally in Hawaii!! Grabbed my bag, grabbed a taxi, went to my hotel...everything went as smooth as ice. I was a little too excited and jittery but finally went to sleep at some point.
Leaving Seattle Airport

Jet lag set in and awoke frequently. By 5am I couldn't sleep any longer. It was still dark but I took pictures of my view. As the sun rose and the darkness faded away I realized that I really was in Paradise. My view is spectacular. I see palm trees, a canal, a few tall buildings and behind those, an inactive volcano. I unpacked and went down for breakfast at 7. Pineapple chunks, warm croissants, toast, and pineapple juice to wash it all down. Plus I had the wonderful company of eating with some birdie friends outside by the pool. After breakfast, I showered and now I'm sitting on my balcony/lanai writing this while I look out at the beautiful scenery. It's still early. 8:30am. Today I will set up appointments with staffing agencies and go for a small food shopping so I have food in my room. Then I will explore and orient myself around this beautiful city. When someone had told me "I hope you find what you are looking for" I was a bit nervous because I really wasn't sure what I was looking for. However, I may not have known then but right now I feel that I have found it.
                            5:00 am                                                                                                                       6:30am
Breakfast with Friends! =)


  1. This is amazing. Keep documenting your journey. I'm sorry we never got to hang out again before you left - I've been so busy with work and stuff. Also remember what they say. It's not about the destination; it's the journey. Best of luck Marylouwhoofwhoville!!!
