Sunday, April 17, 2011

All the pieces are falling together.

I've been staying at the Waikiki Sand Villa Hotel. It has been complete bliss. Pineapple and toast breakfast every morning and a wonderful pool to lay out and tan. I will miss the jacuzzi. The room is always clean and it's so nice having people make your bed every morning. The beautiful view from the 9th floor and the nice people who work here. Alas, good things must come to an end. I will be sorry to say goodbye.

 I will miss laying out next to this beautiful pool

I will be saying goodbye to my hotel on Wednesday. Don't get your hopes up. It's not time for me to come home yet! I found an apartment!!! For now, it's exactly what I'm looking for and the roomies seem very nice so far. It's a 20 minute walk from work so still very close to the beach and most importantly it's cheap and it's not a long term commitment. (Yes, I know I have commitment issues! blahblahblah) Tomorrow I get the keys and I officially move in on Wednesday. Tomorrow I also have orientation for work and I'm going to get a Hawaiian Bank Account. I'm confident that I'll be able to find another job by the end of this week. THINGS ARE FALLING INTO PLACE!!

Woohoo! I'm Hawaiian!! Well..almost. =-)

P.S. Word of advice about using CraigsList to find an apartment. There are countless rental scams on CraigsList. If someone e-mails you back saying their in another country, that should send up a red flag. If you're looking for more information this is a good website to check out. I recieved 2 exact e-mails from 2 different postings about someone that had moved to the Philippines and were renting out their apartment. It happens. Be cautious.

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