Sera sera. Back to the point. The point is I thought getting a job here would be easy. I definitely dilly dallied the first 4 days and did a lot of touristy fun things (I'll tell you about those later) and a whole lot of sunbathing. Monday is when I got serious. I decided to lock myself in my hotel room, close the curtains, and just apply, apply, apply for jobs online. I applied to a TON of government jobs (thanks for that website Amanda F.!), hotel jobs, and manager positions at vitamin stores. Today is when I actually went out there to look for a job. I was greeted with a lot of "No, we're not hiring right now but you can fill out an application anyway if you'd like." I always filled out the application. Even though I looked cute and professional, my not so comfy shoes that I thought would be awesome ended up cutting up my feet pretty bad.
Disheartened and defeated, I went back to the hotel..with a newspaper. There were only 2 jobs listed in that newspaper. I sunbathed a little more by the pool. I was going to go for a run but didn't have the right shoes so I went to the beach instead to walk. When I got there I changed my mind and decided to just sit and watch the sun set into the ocean (which you really can't do in New Jersey because the sun sets on the West. It's a real shame because it's a beautiful sight). I walked around Waikiki Beach at night for the first time and it was amazing! I found a mall with a food court (Hello Hawaiian pizza for dinner) and walked around aimlessly. When I was leaving the mall I recieved a call from an 808 number (Hawaii area code). My immediate thought was "The hotel is probably calling to make sure I'm not dead since it's my first time out of the room at night." haha. It ended up being one of the places I applied for a job today. They asked if I was still interested in a position. "Um.....YES!" I have an interview tomorrow at 3:30. I'll totally get it. (Here I go being over confident again) I walked around and looked at all the street vendors and people dressed as still statues then came back to the hotel. It's still early but I need to make sure I look cute tomorrow too. haha. =-D
This is what I looked up to see while laying on Waikiki Beach
Beautiful sunset
I love palm trees
The interview tomorrow is at MARGARITAVILLE!!!!!
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