Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Close your eyes, deep breathe in, exhale.

Sometimes life just gets away from you. You have plans and goals then you wake up one morning and you realize that you're unhappy. You just go through the motions. Get up at an obscenely early hour every day, go to work at an agonizingly repetative and unstimulating job, come home without any energy so you just go right to sleep then you start the process all over again. Everyone blames the unhappiness on the job they have but really its a combination of things. For me, in addition to the hostile work environment, the weather played a huge issue. Did you know that New Jersey recieved more than 5 FEET of snow this year? That's just unnecessary!

Anyway, I finally got an out. My employment position was eliminated because of a departmental restructuring. When I was told I could not have been happier! I was told Jan 3rd, right after New Years. Unfortunately I still had 3 more months left to work until my separation. That's the time I used to plan my next move.

This is when I really began thinking about what (or more specically where) do I want to do/live. Right away I decided it must be somewhere warm and near a beach. California and Hawaii were my top choices. Finally I just went for it and decided Hawaii is where I want to be. How many people get a chance to live in paradise anyway? Though I have applied to multiple places, I feel like most employers don't take applications seriously when the applicant is 5,000 miles away. I decided that I would just book my flight and find a job while I'm here. The flight is booked, the hotel is booked for 2 weeks. I've given myself a deadline of a month to find a job and hopefully find an apartment. I'm just taking a chance, a big chance, to start a new life and hopefully find a place I love. This is the start of this journey...

Oh, and in case I forgot to mention, today is also my 25th birthday. I scheduled my flight to Honolulu on my 25th birthday. My line of thinking is that in 75 years I'm sure technology would be so advanced that the average life expectancy will be 100 years old. Therefore a person's mid life crisis will occur at age 50. So here it is, my mid-mid-life crisis. At age 25 I need a change, a transformation. Im using this blog to document my new adventure.
airplane photo found here


  1. I think this is possibly the coolest thing anyone has ever done... if anyone can pull this off u definitely can!!! Good luck out there can't wait to see pics lol

  2. I love your blog! I'm glad you made it there OK and what a way to celebrate your 25th birthday. It is something you will never forget! Stay safe and good luck in your search for a job!!

  3. That's great honey ! Congratulations!!
