Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saying goodbye to the best April ever.

Dear April (the month--not a person),

It's been so great to see you. Let me list my favorite things that has happened while you were around.


On the first day you arrived, my very best friends and I went out to celebrate my birthday! We went to Midieval Times, had the opportunity to go backstage and hang out with some knights and horses, and then had a slumber party in a hotel. I definitely had an amazing time and will never forget my treasured friendships.

Later on, I had to take my sweet and adorable kitty cutestuff to the vet to get her Hawaii ready. The process to bring pets from the mainland to Hawaii is long and grueling. She has to wait 120 days before she gets clearance. This is to keep Hawaii rabies-free. I had to say goodbye to my love, Tigger. I know she's had a great time with her babysitter.

While you were here, April, I had to say goodbye to family and friends. This was the most challenging event but still a favorite. I wish I could say that I never took these people for granted, never got angry at them for childish and ridiculous reasons, and never, not even for a second, forgot what they mean to me. However, I couldn't say that then, but I can definitely say that now. I miss  each and every last one of you. Please know that I greatly appreciate your constant support and friendship. Seriously, feel free to come visit!!

Still early on in your visit I made the BIG move. On my 25th birthday, April 6th, I got on a plane and took the 15 hour journey to Hawaii. It was love at first sight. Best thing about Hawaii has to be the beaches. I go multiple times a week. There's nothing more relaxing than laying down on the warm sand listening to the lightly crashing waves while feeling the salty, sea breeze on your face.

Fruit, fruit, and more fruit. I found out that I LOVE MANGOS! Thank you for showing me something new! Plus, keep bringing on the fruit please! Thank you!

I know how the saying goes. Normally, April showers bring May flowers. However, NOT IN HAWAII!! There's always beautiful flowers here! I've gotten so much more of an apreciation for the year-round, vividly colored flowers. I don't ever want it to end!

Palm trees. What more could anyone ever ask for? One of the reasons why I wanted to come to Hawaii was because of the palm trees. They're magnificent. Tall, Short, Thin, Fat, Crooked, Straight. All different types here.

Thank  you, April, for seeing me through getting a job and finding an apartment. These two things were the end all be all of Hawaii. If I wasn't going to be able to get either of these my dream of living in Hawaii would have been very short-lived. I have a great job that I enjoy being at every day. The people I work with are all so nice and chill. The customers are all in good moods because obviously if you're vacationing in Hawaii what is there to be upset about? I love hearing about where everyone is from and how they've been enjoying their vacations! Now the apartment. Oh the apartment. There aren't any words to describe how completely amazing it is living with these specific group of girls. It'll be 2 weeks on Wednesday  that I've been at this apartment. In these two weeks I feel so comfortable with all the girls. All of them are so caring and genuine. We hang out often and I am very happy to have new friends as great as these! 

Now, I said before that the ocean is the most relaxing place. I lied. Take that peacefulness and multiply that by about a million when  you have the opportunity to watch the sun set into the ocean. I had never been able to see that from New Jersey because it's on the East Coast. It's wonderful and everyone should experience it.

What was your favorite thing that happened in April? Please leave a comment and let me know!!

Therefore, in closing, I would just like to thank you April for all the wonderful things you have brought me in the 30 days that you were here. I look forward to more fascinating and exciting things to come when your friends come to visit! Yay!

Looking forward to seeing you again,

1 comment:

  1. well lets see. In April I saw a very close friend of mine fly off to another part of the world in order to start a new life in new change of scenery. Which I am totally jealous and happy for her at the same time. Then I saw Liverpool fc climb themselves out of the bottom of the table to reach 5th, which earns them a spot in Europe. For me personally, I've found myself going out every Friday night for some good music, lots of dancing, and over priced slices of pizza. I've also been working on getting to Hawaii to see someone very special. I should be out there by the end of may, early june at the latest!
