Friday, July 1, 2011

Manoa Falls

I've been to Manoa Falls twice so far. It's a great place to go hiking. You go through a rain forest until you reach a 150 ft waterfall. The first time I went, I journeyed there by myself. I got out of work at 2pm like I always do and I went right to the bus stop so I could take the #5. I got there a little late so I wasn't able to reach the entrance until 5ish. I was unsure about how long it would take to reach the falls and I didn't want to be there after dark. I hurried through the path.

Beautiful flowers on the trees.
Roaming through the trees
Crazy tree root obstacles.
Jumping over rocks.

Until you finally reach the water fall and what a site it is.

Here's a video so you can really see how big the waterfall is.

It was a relatively easy trail. It only took about 30-45 mins to get up there. The second time I went with a friend. Again we went after I got out of work at 2 but we made it to the entrance by 3:30. We went up to the waterfall very quickly and merged onto another trail next to the falls. This trail was definitly more challenging.  It was muddy and long and everyone we met on the way down kept saying that we were half way. LIES! I have no idea what we were looking for but we never made it. We decided to turn around at 6:30pm. The sunsets at 7:20pm. Yes, there was a quick jog down the trail. Fortunately we made it down with enough sunlight to find the bus stop to take us back. The adrenaline to get down made it so much fun. We were part jogging part falling down the path. haha. Good times!

Life is beautiful!

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